Tuesday, April 6, 2010

lyndall's e journal

Hello all,
welcome to my first blog and posting. Wow i really feel that since i have started the (GDLT) program my computer skills have developed very quickly in the knowledge economy we now live in. I never thought I would have my own blog or need too and now here i am, writing a blog. Im actually excited to be able to have the opportunity to learn and have a clearer understanding on the technolgy that is available to us.
At the moment i am currently doing a post graduate degree in primary school teaching, which I am thoroughly enjoying. Look forward to reading your blogs and hearing from you all.
Kind Regards
(GDLT part-time)


  1. Hi Lyndall,good luck with your blog. Once you've mastered the whole blog and wiki technology bit you could make one with your class or keep a personal diary.

    Michael Rhodes

  2. Hi michael,

    thank you that is a great idea. I still have lots more that i need to learn and write about. Looking forward to starting my prac teaching next week.

    Lyndall Cameron

  3. RSS-Aggregator Really Simple Syndication

    Learning to do blogs has been great for my ICT technology skills as well as getting to know other students enrolled in the graduate diploma of learning and teaching program.

    Learning about other peoples walks of life as well as their thoughts and views on learning activities has been a great way to share knowledge as well as help with any questions I may have been concerned or confused about. I like the fact that we can share or distribute information so quickly and how accessible it is once of course you understand the concept of how to do it.

    I have added some of my URLs of my course colleagues blogs to my feeds. I hope I have done this correctly. I have had already a response from another student about my blog. I have also been able to respond and post a comment on their blog as well. I hope I am on the right track.

    Im really excited about the technology that we are learning in ICT design. I feel that it is relevant and practical as well as very useful for when we are teaching. I also feel I have a better understanding on blogging and how it will be used for assessment two. I like the fact that we have to journal our experiences on the technologies we are learning as well as our learning theories we are reading. Or why and how these approaches could be useful for when we are in a classroom teaching students.

    I think blogging is a great tool one you could make with your class or just to keep as a personal diary. You could also have students make an individual blog themselves. This could be a very educational tool having them document what they are learning in their subjects. Or if they are feeling shy or didnt want to express their opinions face to face to the teacher it is a tool for them to document their questions to the blog. (just another option blogs could be used for).

    In the engagement theory paper by Gregkearsley and Ben Shneiderman they say "The fundamental idea underlying engagement theory is that students must be meaningfully engaged in learning activities through interaction with others and worthwhile tasks" (Shneiderman, 1994,1998;Shneiderman et al, 1995,Kearsley 1997)
    They also state that the engagement theory is based upon the idea of creating successful collaborative teams that work on ambitious projects that are meaningful to someone outside the classroom. "The relate, create and donate component. (Shneiderman, 1994,1998;Shneiderman et al, 1995,Kearsley, 1997)

    You could also get students to use blogging as part of their homework activity.
